The 4-holed sphere and tight contact structures

Problem: Classify open books with page the 4-holed sphere which correspond to tight contact structures. Recall that an open book is a pair $(S,h)$ where $S$ is a compact, oriented surface with boundary, and $h$ is a diffeomorphism of $S$ which restricts to the identity on $\partial S$. We will refer to $h$ as the monodromy of the open book and $S$ as the page. A construction of Thurston-Winklenkemper assigns a contact 3-manifold $(M_{S,h},\xi_{S,h})$ to this open book, and Giroux proved that this assignment defines a bijective correspondence between open books up to positive stabilization and contact 3-manifolds up to contactomorphism (see here and here for recent proofs of Giroux's result). This problem is concerned with understanding how topological features of the monodromy are reflected in geometric features of the contact structure in Giroux's correspondence. For instance, Giroux proved that a contact 3-manifold is Stein fillable if and only if there is a correspondin...